Safely Unleash The Power of Your Knowledge Through Generative AI

Sesame unlocks your company’s productivity using secured Generative AI

Unlock Your Employee’s Productivity. Fast and precise access to your company’s knowledge, empowered by the productivity multiplier of Generative AI


Hours Wasted Every Week Searching For Company Data

=  10000

Euros Per Employee Per Year

The Sesame Platform Delivers Faster
Data Access That Empowers Employees

Instant Access

With Sesame, streamline operations and save time, enabling your team to serve customers more effectively.

Boost Efficiency​

With Sesame, streamline operations and save time, enabling your team to serve customers more effectively.

Competitive Edge

Sesame helps you adapt swiftly in the knowledge-driven world, outshining competitors and delivering standout services.

Fuel Innovation

Accessible knowledge fosters creativity and innovation, empowering your team towards solutions.

Security isn’t a top concern for numerous AI providers. Despite their rhetoric about prioritizing security and trust, the majority of leading Generative AI companies aren’t genuinely dedicated to it. Instead, security takes a back seat in their priorities.

Sesame's Security Partners & Certification

What our clients are saying: "We are greatly impressed by how Sesame upheld its security and privacy claims. This allowed our employees to fully utilize the productivity power of Generative AI while ensuring the confidentiality of our company's knowledge."

With Sesame your knowledge and your ideas remains yours.

Applications Sectors. Wherever companies seek to harness their knowledge and leverage the transformative capabilities of Generative AI, Sesame is there to assist.

Small Medium

Enterprise: Sesame is focused on helping small and medium size organizations in Germany in Europe to safely embrace the productivity power of Generative AI

Educational Institutions

Sesame enables institutes of higher learning to leverage Generative AI, supporting professors, students, and administration in navigating confidential institutional requirements securely.

Financial Firms

Companies handling private and sensitive financial information must take utmost precautions to safeguard the confidentiality of this data.

Healthcare Sector

When it comes to healthcare and handling customer data, no sector comes under more scrutiny. Sesame can help drive productivity, while meeting the most stringent privacy standards.

See how we can help you today:

Easy Access Management

Platform administrators can effortlessly create knowledge buckets tailored to their company’s requirements and manage access permissions with ease. Our support team is readily available to assist throughout the straightforward process.

Broad Integrations: Onboarding your knowledge has never been easier, wherever and whatever the file type.

Drive Productivity Across Your Company

Effortlessly Access Wisdom: Sesame unlocks your organization's collective wisdom for quick, informed responses, enhancing customer satisfaction.

Maximize Efficiency: Say goodbye to tedious searches and hello to streamlined operations, allowing your team to do more for your customers with the time saved.

Drive Innovation: Accessible knowledge fuels creativity and innovation, empowering your team to explore new horizons and ultimately offer innovative solutions to your customers.

Gain a Competitive Edge: In the knowledge-driven world, Sesame positions you to adapt swiftly and outshine competitors, ensuring that your customers receive services that stand out.

Preserve Excellence: Safeguard your best practices and institutional wisdom, enabling your organization to consistently provide excellent service to your customers.

Seize Opportunities: Uncover hidden insights, solutions, and efficiencies that were previously concealed, which can be leveraged to provide new and better offerings to your customers.

See how we can help you today: